On August 7/2007 at the AT&T Park in San Francisco Barry Bonds broke the MLB record for most career home runs, by hitting his seven hundred and fifty sixth home run he ensured a spot in the MLB hall of fame. In 2003 rumors began to spread of Bond's possible involvement with anabolic steroids when his trainer since 2000 Greg Anderson, was indicted by a federal jury and charged with supplying steroids to athletes. Bonds said that he used a clear substance and a cream that he received from his personal strength trainer Greg Anderson, who told him they were the nutritional supplement flaxseed oil and a rubbing balm for arthritis.

But this raises a few questions who's on steroids and who is administering the tests? There is claim that medical doctor David Wilbirt prescribed WWE athletes Edge, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle and The Hurricane with steroids and human growth hormones. Eddie Guerrero, whose death two years ago was attributed by a coroner's report to have been the product of heart disease cause by steroid use was another of Dr. Wilbirt's patients. The issue of steroids is nothing new in professional wrestling. One of the most famous stars of the modern era of this form of entertainment, Hulk Hogan admitted to a grand jury in 1994 that he had used the drugs for many years. John Cena was another professional wrestle to be accused of taking performance enhancing drugs by CNN but the allegations have not been proven.

On June 25, 2007, professional wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their 7 year old son Daniel were found dead in their Fayetteville, Georgia, home at 2:30 p.m. The police department closed their investigation on February 12, 2008 having reached the conclusion that Benoit over a three day period murdered his wife and son then commit suicide. Speculations began about steroids being linked to the murders. Xanax a drug used to treat anxiety disorders, panic attacks and depression was found in his system and believed to be used to sedate his son. Steroids were found in the home and needle marks were discovered on his Daniel's arm suggesting he had been given growth hormones. The murders were a result of depression and steroid induced rage.
Allegations began in 2004 that professional road racing cyclist and 7 time winner of the Tour De France Lance Armstrong had been using steroids. It was published in a French newspaper that in 1996 Armstrong had admitted to using performance enhancing drugs to his doctor before a brain surgery.
I don't follow sports much, but i have seen reports on athletes using steroids on the news. I would like to see roids removed from the market because it causes too much trouble and can kill you if you use too much of it. now with that being said there was a famous football player who died from taking Anabloic steriods (can't remember the athletes name), he got cancer and died something like 2 years later. this happened a couple years back.
Yeah I don't follow sports either but I think that this is a morality issue anyway. Why play the sport or run that lap if you're not built for it? or if you didn't work to deserve it. Athletes that do behave like this are abusing their privledges and cheating themselves, as well as their fans. Their fans might even get influenced and turn to steroids as well, that stuff can really get out of hand, it's pretty sad they do it all just to win a race or tournament.
So apparently it's really addictive, but taht might want to be covered before people get too carried away, i never really considered steroids as an illegal drug, well not until i watched "The Man Who's Arm Exploded", btw, this might gross some of you out.
Many people are aware that there will always be athletic performance drugs available to people in the world. There will always be those certain individuals which will tend to use these performance enhancement drugs. The punishments which these individuals get punished with even when getting caught by certain individuals due to them being athletes and famous individuals they are released with a minimum punishment. I believe if these people were given more of a severe punishment they would smarten up and start talking things more seriously. Many children grow up idolising certain individuals that become famous in certain athletic organizations really have a harsh punishment on those fans because they grow up idolising a certain person which they believe have been blessed by god, whereas they could be using performance drugs.
There are many discussions and reports on athletes that use steroids. It’s a lot better to be natural then making yourself something your not. If your body isn’t fit to run why FORCE it to be? Also like Aleks said that the fans might even get influenced and turn to steroids is true. People in our society are starting to turn to steroids thinking its ok because the athletes do. I think it’s a scam. The people probably know that their best player is on steroids, they will keep the guy because he is good at the sport. They make a fortune as well. Small doses of steroids can create BIG long term problems.
Heres a link :
Yes, as ah-leks said that fans could be influenced to use drugs if they idolise certain individuals that have influenced them to play a certain sport or playing style. For example the Barry Bonds incident has become a very controversial issue because many people were glad Barry Bonds had the ability to reach a milestone in today’s time period in front of tons of fans. However, the other side has led us to believe that Barry Bonds used certain performance enhancement drugs to reach this milestone and is still under inquiry.
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